Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Apple obsession & Lujiazui

Adam has always had an interest and love for China.  Interested in the business, the culture, the growth, the people... so, when we began discussing this assignment Adam was so supportive with much excitement and anticipation because he knew he would have the opportunity to see it first hand.  Now of course he was supportive for many other reasons, but we were pretty happy to have the opportunity to experience this interesting place.  When we have discussed vacations or places we would like to travel, I don't know how many times I said lets go explore Europe - Paris, Rome, Greece; Adam's response was always not until we go to China.  China first.

Well, here in begins Adam's exploration of this place.

Adam also likes Apple. The business side of course (well, and the products - love the iPad!), so aside from following the stock, he had the opportunity to watch the store while he was here!  In the building connected to my apartment is one of the 4 Apple stores in China. There are currently 1.3 BILLION people and 4 stores; 2 in Shanghai and 2 in Beijing.  A quote from City Weekend - a local weekly magazine - "40,000 - the number of customers who visit China's Apple Store per day.  That's four times the average for the company's American stores."  High demand! Over the course of his trip we visited 3 of 4 of the stores and even got to witness the release of the iPad 2 and White iPhone.  The photo below is outside the store connected to my building - and you can see the people all in the queue and security about every 10 yards.  I think this was white iPhone release - he was loving it!
Adam outside Apple in Shanghai

Adam arrived around 9pm Friday, so I needed to keep him awake and moving all day Saturday so that  he could adjust to the 12 hour time difference as quickly as possible.  So, we went exploring.

It was a fairly clear day, so I decided it would be good to take him over to the Pudong side of the river to see the big buildings - the new Shanghai.  We jumped on the metro and headed to the first stop across the river, Lujiazui.  The public transportation in Shanghai, mostly metro, is another favorite of Adam's - and not just the cheap cost, the people watching and cultural aspect of it too - but you can't beat the cost - maximum of 4 RMB per ride, thats less than a buck! So right as you exit the metro stations at Lujiazui, you are engulfed by the tallest buildings in Shanghai.

Oriental Pearl TV Tower

Adam with the SWFC, Jin Mao, and new building being built (see cranes)

Adam with Puxi building in back, plus the Super Brand Mall to the left

Apple store #2 - the largest in China, its all under ground though!

view of all the bicycles lining the street - where are all the people?

Adam in the Super Brand Mall - a funny name for a mall
but pretty accurate - 6 floors of most stores you can think of

view from the street
Jin Mao in foreground, SWFC in background

They are building a structure that will surpass the SWFC
supposed to be done around 2014 - got a long way to go!

After a wonderful lunch at Din Tai Fung, we decided to check out the observatory in the Shanghai World Financial Center, the tallest building in Shanghai.  Adam does not love heights, so we opted for the 94th floor observatory - although the 100th floor offers a glass floor - maybe I can get one of guests to brave it up there!
view of 94th floor of SWFC - a little hazy

window washers outside 94th floor
Adam was not interested in that line of work!

Adam with the Jin Mao
I've always wanted to do a picture like this!
We had a great day seeing New Shanghai - Adam still needed a nap though!  After 24 hours of traveling and having your time flipped upside down, I couldn't blame him.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Adam's Arrival in China

I've decided the only appropriate way to do this is to go back in time and share all the fun things that have occurred over the last 3 weeks.  So bear with me while I bring you up to speed....

On May 6th, Adam arrived in Shanghai.  The game plan was that I would be waiting for him outside the international arrivals gate... we made back up plans, gave him my local number, decided for him to turn on his blackberry and incur astronomical charges to call me (although, I realized later that he would not have been able to figure out how to make a call... first dial 001 for US), and gave him my address so if he couldn't find me he would just show up at my apartment.  In order to avoid this confusion, I hoped to get there early to see him as soon as possible.  I had been following Adam's flight all day (he was flying longer than my entire work day - 13 hours) - so I knew that it had been delayed about an hour from leaving LA and wouldn't get in until like 9:45pm.  In an attempt to be "local," save a little cash and avoid crazy taxi drivers, I decided to take the Metro to the airport.  So, I jump on line 2 and head east toward PVG.  Everything is going fine, I even have a seat - listening to some tunes, until we get to Guanlan Rd. - about 8 stops from the airport.  The doors opened and I realized everyone was getting off the train... I looked around confused then some people started pointing and saying airport airport and referring to the train the other side of the tracks. So I rush off the train, only to find out (with many other people), that the last train to the airport from here has just left the station. Ummmmm, what do I do now? So I figure there must be some taxis up at street level to take me the rest of the way... it should only be about $50-60 RMB given that the ride from my place is about $150-180 total and I'm 3/4 of the way there.  As I headed up the escalator I was greeted (ok, ambushed) by dozens of sketchy looking people (men and women) offering me "taxi".  I've read and heard, and my mother taught me well, to not get into any unmarked cars or take rides from people that don't seem licensed.  So, I told them all no, no - and went straight for one of the familiar white licensed taxi cars.  I said airport and he was ready.  Next thing I know, this guys is flying down the highway, had to be 70-80 mph (speedometer was in km and I can't grasp it yet), weaving around other much slower moving cars and not even slowing down for the speed cameras like they usually do.  I was a little alarmed, but actually not that upset because with the train stopping I had gotten off schedule and was already running late to be sure I was there before Adam arrived.  Actually, on the train I checked online and it said his plane had landed an hour before (it actually hadn't) so I was so nervous that he was just sitting there - first time out of North America, lost and worrying about where his wife was.  So, I was actually grateful this guys was driving like a lunatic.  Oh yeah, but while this guy was driving so very fast - the meter happened to be ticking up just as fast.  Right before my eyes - I was getting screwed.  I had heard stories about "fast moving meters" and thought it was only in the dark red taxis - not the white.  I also should have known something was up because when we got to the airport, my taxi did not follow all the other taxis into the taxi drop off lane, he went into the parking garage and snuck in and dropped me off - then proceeded to charge me 190 RMB for the trip.  I didn't have time to argue and didn't care, just wanted to see my hubby! So, I raced inside and looked everywhere - just as I was thinking he probably somehow took a cab without me.... he comes around the corner smiling ear to ear (even after 24 hours of traveling).  It was perfect timing, and the beginning of our adventure together in China.
Adam's initial arrival into PVG
More to come... but for now bedtime for Bonzo!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunset over Houhai

After the Kungfu show (it was really cool), we headed back to the Houhai
lake area that Skye took us to this morning. As we imagined, it was much
more lively after dark! Lots of restaurants, bars and live music. We
managed to arrive just at sunset! It was a busy day, we will eat and sleep
well tonight!

Day 2 in Beijing

Today was our first day with our tour guide, Skye. She has been really
great so far and will be with today in the city and tomorrow for the great
wall too. I will write more about her and the tours later, but we
accidentally did one of the tour stops on our own on thursday! Oops through
a little wrench in todays plans, but we did a little rearrange and it was
ok. The first pic below is from the top of Coal Hill in Jingshan Park. It
had a great view of the Forbidden City. A little cold and windy when we
were up there but amazing views of the city! The next picture is a view of
the first gate of Forbidden City and you will see Chairman Mao prominently
displayed. They really love him!

After a long day of walking around, we just arrived at the Kung Fu show!
Hope we can stay awake!

Off to the Great Wall tomorrow!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Train to Beijing!

Sorry I've been lacking the past few weeks! Adam has been in town and we
have been so busy! We just got on a overnight train from Shanghai to
Beijing! Hope this picture turns out!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Holiday Weekend

This past Monday, May 2nd was a holiday here in China - Labor Day I believe.  All I know is there was no work on Monday and an excruciating amount of people around Shanghai over the weekend.  I was cautioned by many to not attempt to travel to any of the nearby cities over this holiday weekend, because it would be painfully crowded and not relaxing.  It was busy in the city too, but only because I chose to take the metro multiple times, the rest wasn't too bad.

I'll share a little bit about the weekend...

Friday, I joined some friends of friends to watch the Royal Wedding at an Irish bar in the French Concession called O'Malley's.  I got there just after Kate walked in, so was able to catch all the important nuptials.  The bar, both inside and outside in their lovely courtyard, was full of Brits and all kinds of Royal admirers.  Some people were all decked out in beautiful hats and formal dresses.  It was pretty cool to see so many people coming together in a foreign land to celebrate.
Courtyard at O'Malley's for Royal Wedding
Saturday, a colleague of mine offered to take me out for the afternoon.  Tingting, I think I've mentioned before, is Chinese but recently got her MBA from Duke.  She has been a great friend so far, and is always willing to go to lunch or share cool places to visit.  Saturday we met at my apartment and jumped on the metro to head towards Lujiazui.  This stop (and road) is just over the river from the Bund and is the major financial district holding the Oriental Pearl Tower, SWFC and Jin Mao - and none other than the "Super Brand Mall".  A funny name, but it speaks the truth.  This mall has just about every brand you could think of on about 9 floors.  We headed up to the 9th floor to try a traditional Shanghainese place called Shanghai Spring.  As I'm learning, the Shanghainese food is sweeter that other regions and even the traditional Chinese food we would expect.  It was yummy and easy on the tummy!  This place has really cool views out across the river of the Bund, but we did not get a reservation in time... holiday weekend and all, everything was packed.

After browsing through a few stores, we got back on the metro for a few more stops and headed to Century Park.  This park was wonderful! Tons of open space, lots of trees and lots of people! There were 3 person bikes for rent and little paddle boats to take out on a big lake.  There were lots of families out, many with tents out on the grassy areas to keep the young ones out of the sun.  I saw no less than 4 brides taking pictures - several outfit changes, awkward poses and patient husbands.  We took a walk around the lake and had ice cream.  I can't wait to take Adam back to the park, that is if I'm able to pry him away from the fake market!!

Tingting and me at Century Park in Pudong

Sunday, I took my 2nd yoga class in Shanghai.  Like most things in Shanghai, this yoga studio has proven to be a little bit backwards and uncomfortable.  First, they made me sign a contract of which the smallest was either 50 classes or 6 months unlimited - both costing the same.  So, I went with the 6 months unlimited, vowing that I will take more than 50 classes to get my money's worth.  I paid a ridiculous amount, but really feel like it will be good for several reasons.  First and foremost, it is wonderful strengthener for my knee.  Also, it will give me something to do and somewhere to go outside of work! Its actually in my office building which is very convenient, and I will even try to take some classes over the lunch hour.  They have both hot and flow yoga classes, and a varied schedule.  The first class I attended made me pretty nervous - the teachers and most of the people in the class were really yogis (people with are good and very experienced).  The American teacher, Bill, was very serious and very pushy.  As in - "I didn't say water, put your water down," "why aren't you listening, I said right over left" and "You aren't acting like you want to be here today".  Now comments like this I would fully expect from my college soccer coach, but not from my yoga instructor.  So, I was pretty nervous my whole first class.  Luckily, none of the comments were directed at me - only watch your knee and feel free to modify this position as needed!  After taking my second class with Bill on Monday, I realized that the Hot Yoga class I was in was pretty advanced and thats why he was so serious.  I'm learning which classes are more relaxing and which are harder work.  The hot yoga felt amazing on my knee - can't wait to get back in there.  I'm three classes in... 47 more to go!

On Monday, most of the girls from the Wednesday night group at Steffanie's met for brunch at Mr. Pancake House near the Jing'An Temple.  Steff had been wanting to share this place with me, so it worked out well.  Yummmm... it was perfect, not overly good, but a great stack of pancakes and a bottomless coffee.  Good food and good company, doesn't get much better on a day off work!

The crew at Mr. Pancake House on Monday

I finished off the long weekend with another Yoga class and a 60 minute foot massage.  I'm loving Shanghai!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I few things to share from the last week...

Recently, I got a "back stress relief" massage from my Green Massage place.  I thought, yeah, perfect just focus on the back.  Well, I certainly got more than I bargained for.  The massage was nice and I felt like he was really working out the kinks in my back - but then towards the end he started the back "scraping" part. They use this small little plastic tool to get deep and really get the blood flowing.  Although it did loosen things up for me nicely, I don't think I will choose this type of massage again.  Check out the aftermath:
haha the result of back "scraping" - I should have known!

Last Sunday, we sent off one of our own.  Nathan Hubbard, another Lilly 6-monther finished up his time in Shanghai last week.  He was working on an assignment here in Marketing for the Alimta brand and Oncology team.  It was nice to have someone with a good deal of experience to ask questions and I have already been able to learn from some of his experiences.  Nathan is off to the San Francisco area to do another short term assignment in sales!  To send him off we went to a new restaurant in an area called the Sinan Mansions - a Peruvian place called Chicha.  It was pretty small, and although they did not seem to have any of the reasonably priced bottles of wine from their menu in stock, the 7-course meal was only 200 RMB and quite yummy and filling.  Below are you few pictures from our night out:
Nathan and Darren - not sure what's going on

Kimberly and I, with our dessert to share

Steffanie and Darren - so grateful for them!!!!

First Visitor - Day 2!

Day 2 was much more low key, and less mentally exhausting - the bargaining and haggling is hard work!  We started the morning with a wholesome Element Fresh breakfast and then headed back to the Bund.  I wanted to make sure Gretch actually got to see the views with less than a million people in the way.  It was already busy by about noon on Sunday, but much better.  We had our picture taken, but it must be on Gretchen's camera.  

Next, we headed towards the YuYuan Gardens and Bazaar.  In this sense, the bazaar is a bunch of shops with a bunch of China souvenirs that NO ONE needs and way to many people.  It is cool, with the architecture, but no place I actually want to do any shopping!  See a few pictures below:
Busy streets of the bazaar
Yu Garden

Gretchen and I at the famous Teahouse in the middle of the
Yuyuan Gardens.  We had a great view of the busy street below,
but the tea and "tea snacks" were nothing to write home about!

From here, we went by the South Bund Fabric Market and Gretchen enjoyed seeing all the fabric and clothes makers.  We rushed back to the apartment to get her all set to head to Hongqaio, the Shanghai domestic airport for her 6pm flight to Beijing.

I had a great time with my first visitor and was very grateful to be able to share Shanghai with such an awesome friend!