Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 1 Highlights

This post I will share some of the great images from Adam's first week in Shanghai. 

One night we headed our for dinner a couple metro stops away and as we were walking to the restaurant, Adam saw something that he thought really interesting.  This bike was rigged up with about 100 boxes.  This is not that uncommon - seeing bicycles rigged up to transport things throughout the city.  Everything from food, to shoes, to construction equipment this is how they transport it here.  I can't even recall seeing a semi truck in the last 2 months.

the supply chain industry within Shanghai

 On Tuesday night, Adam and I were joining my friend Kimberly for our regularly scheduled Tuesday night dinners.  We decided we needed to get out once a week and try different places and just make it a regular thing.  This week we were headed to a place called Lost Heaven, with food from the Yunnan region which in the most southwestern province of China and borders Tibet, Burma, Laos and the Sichuan province of China.  The food is somewhat spicy and unique.  Also, they have really cool photography that depicts the region.  Kim and I have actually been before, but thought it would be great to bring our guests (Kim's 70+ year old aunts were here for 10 days!).  Plus, its at the Bund and it would be great to share it with them after dark.  

First though, Adam and I decided to take the metro at rush hour where were would have to make a transfer at People's Square the biggest metro stop in the system.  There are 20 exits to the street - and 3 lines connect here!  Below you can see our view as we entered the platform.
People's Square platform at rush hour
Also, I've been playing with editing some photos - I thought this was kind of fun!

Kim's aunts were awesome.  One lives in Chicago and one in Costa Rica where they grew up.  They were troopers and I hope that I am that full of life at that age.  They were really fun!
Kimberly and the tias (aunts)

After dinner, we headed down to the Bund for Adam to experience it after dark.  Unfortunately, my camera does not do it justice but you get the idea.
Adam with the skyline of Lujianzui (Pudong)
They have a bull similar to the one in the financial district in NYC
You can see the Bund style buildings in the background

Adam with the lights of East Nanjing Pedestrian Rd
on our way back to the metro stop

Another night we were in the same area and Adam found Yao Ming!
Madame Tussauds of course!

On Friday, Kim organized a fun outing! We had the opportunity to partake in one of the favorite activities of the Chinese people - Karaoke! We headed to the KTV around the corner of the office with some of Kim's chinese colleagues.  It was a blast - we sung both English and Chinese songs! And we were dying at some of the videos they played on the TV for the western pop songs.  I accidentally requested 3 Lady Gaga songs in a row and they wouldn't let me sit down!  Adam managed to not get peer pressured into getting up - no surprises there!
Adam and I at KTV
The crew at KTV

We had a great first week! So much more to explore!

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