Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hoosiers in Shanghai

On a sunny Sunday morning, Adam and I headed over to the Shanghai Theater for a special treat.  This Singing Hoosiers were in Shanghai as a part of their 3 city Chinese tour.  I got the tickets through the Indiana Alumni group in Shanghai, and it turned out that one of the organizer works at Lilly.  She is Chinese but got her MBA from Kelley about 3 years ago.  The concert was wonderful and it was fun to see some other Hoosiers! Another great part was that I got to see my mom's good friend Marilyn.  Her husband, Michael, is the director of the Singing Hoosiers and she is the den mother for the trip!  It was great to see a familiar face so far from home.

The amazing ceiling in the theater

Adam and I at the Singing Hoosiers concert

Singing Hoosiers

Doing Thriller - the chinese audience loved Michael Jackson

IU Alumni with the Singing Hoosiers

Marilyn and I after the show

Ohhhhh... one extra picture from Hangzhou - it was too good not to include.  It really was a beautiful day!
Sunset over Xi Hu

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