Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stewart Girls Take Shanghai

I apologize my blogging has been so intermittent and unthoughtful this last month. I have been so busy with guests... which I'm certainly not complaining about.  It was a blessing to have my sister with me in this big city for 4 weeks and my momma for 2.5 weeks.  We had a blast together and I was so grateful to be able to share this interesting place with them.  I've included a few images from our time together...
HCS arrives at PVG, how was business class sissy? :)
 Unfortunately, no one really told me about rainy season until it hit Shanghai.  Beginning June 1, it rained for about 3 weeks straight... also unfortunately included in that was about the first 7-8 days of Hannah's trip.  Needless to say, she was not impressed.  I kept her positive and kept yummy Western food in her tummy and she made it through.  The first day the sky cleared I sent her on the double decker all city tourbus...
Hannah's great pic of Pudong skyline with tour go-ers in the red hats

 Franny showed up a few days later, and although we were late to the airport to pick her up, she was so excited to see the girls! There aren't many things better that seeing your momma after a few months.  She had a rough go of traveling - who knew you could actually get downgraded from business class? Poor Franny!


Park Hyatt - Living Room,
Floor 87 SWFC
After a yummy sushi dinner, we took a few more pictures!
Hannah on top of the world -
Oriental Pearl TV Tower!

Girls Night Out on the Bund. Aside from these great pictures, we were asked to take many pictures with local people. Its still flattering....

Below, Hannah and Franny posing with the Lujiazui skyline in the background. Also, Hannah and I doing the signature Theta Kite.  Theta Magazine worthy? What do you think girls?

 Dinner at Lost Heaven, serving food from the Yunnan region near Tibet.  The girls were getting better with their chopsticks with every meal!

The girls enjoyed a sunny day out on the Shanghai Hop-On, Hop-Off tour bus.  Here is Franny at the Yuyuan Garden and Old Town area.

One night, we decided Mexican was a necessity and we headed to Catina Agave for an evening on the patio with margaritas.  When we arrived some workmen were jackhammering on the corner nearby - at 5pm on a Sunday! It was a bit distracting but after the first two margs they stopped, so we were able to enjoy a few more.  We have a pretty good time together....
Me and Franny at Cantina Agave

My amazing sister

Headed home on the metro!

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