Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

I could not feel luckier!  Adam arrived safe and sound in Shanghai yesterday.  Although our anniversary is not until Sunday the 7th, he only lasted a couple of hours before offering his one year anniversary gift! A while back we researched what the "traditional" 1-year anniversary gift was - and much to my disappointment it was a clock, not a watch, but a clock! Not really want I was hoping for!  So, I made clear it would not be a good idea to buy me a clock...

Much to my surprise and joy - he offered something that will do much better to keep track of the times of our lives.  A wonderful, beautiful, amazing and unbelievable CAMERA! Looking forward to learning more about it and capturing my last 2 months here in China, as well as the rest of our lives!


By the way, my gift to him was a copper bull like the one on Wall Street.  They actually have a similar one here in Shanghai along the Bund and so there are tons of souvenirs of the statue.  It has something he has been wanting and it is totally him!

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