Sunday, July 31, 2011

All Caught Up!

I'm sitting on the 31st floor of my apartment building, windows open, enjoying the worst summer storm we've had in Shanghai.  The dark clouds rolled in about 4pm and it just kept getting darker and darker.  The huge claps of thunder and lightening are a little nerve-racking so high up in the air.  It now raining so hard I can barely see the building on the next block over.  There is something about summertime in Indiana, sitting on the porch listening to a storm, music on - just one of the things I will miss about the Indiana summer this year.

The good news is, it has given me the time to catch up on blog posting for the last month.  I'm all caught up and looking forward to my last 2 months in Shanghai.

Adam will be arriving for his 2nd visit on August 2nd, and stay for about 3 weeks.  I'm so grateful we will be together for our first wedding anniversary - what a special one it will be and we will look forward to telling our kids about it one day.

I will try to stay active on here to share the last 2 months of this amazing experience.  Miss you all!  

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