Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Hannah and Franny in Shanghai

Hannah's favorite place in Xintiandi quickly became Kabb - a small place serving all Western food.  We discovered their yummy brunch! 
Banana Pancakes and Eggs Benedict

Fresh fruit and Cinnamon Roll

Although we missed my Dad while the girls were here, we made time for Skype Sessions!  Video chat technology has made this experience possible for me. So grateful for this!
Dad talking to all 3 girls!

One night we went to the Chinese Acrobat Show at the Shanghai Theater.  It was fun to see the acrobats, twirling plates, amazing balancing acts and the girls that twist like they have no spine.  It was a little bit touristy and I probably won't take any other guests back, but we enjoyed it.  We will never forget the act where, for about 5 minutes, all the woman did was pull playing cards our of her jacket and flip them on the stage.  It was pretty interesting....

After the show, there was this statue of a Terracotta warrior outside the theater.  Naturally, we did a photoshoot!

Cute girlies!

For the 4th of July (which we worked, by the way), we figured the most sensible thing to do would be to  have some USDA beef burgers! We joined Steffanie and Darren at their favorite burger joint in Tianzifang - New York Style Steak and Burger! There was about 10 Americans together to celebrate this truly American day.

The burgers were, uh, AMAZING!

Another major part of the Stewart Girls Take Shanghai was - My dad isn't surprised - SHOPPING!  This is something the Stewart girls do really well and we obviously have it in the genes from the momma!  The fake markets were a good time and we did really well.  It was so fun to have my best friends with me to enjoy one of the my favorite parts of Shanghai.

So, I took Hannah and Franny to one of my favorite sunglass shops at the 580.  We were chatting with the girls there and introduced ourselves.  One of the girls got so excited and her eyes lit up - your name is Hannah? Like H-A-N-N-A-H? Yes! That my name too, she said! She could not believe it and wanted to take all these pictures with Hannah.  They were the same age and she was really cute.  We went back to the 580 a few times and always stopped to see Hannah :)

Hannah and Hannah- peace signs obvi

The damage...

Another sushi night, this time at Haiku by Hatsune in the French Consession.  This is my favorite sushi place in Shanghai!  Nothing better than yummy rolls and cold beer.  Hannah is wearing a new silk scarf she got in Shanghai - so trendy!

In the busy tourist areas, there are these older women selling what look like these little white flowers.  They attach them to paper clips type things or tie them into bracelets.  They have a smell similar to honeysuckle, very refreshing.  They say that the help to take away the "summer scent", aka the smelly scent that you get from walking around hot, sticky, humid Shanghai.

Hannah loved the rice noodles....  And look at those chopstick skills!  She was a pro after 4 weeks!

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