Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random since the girls left...

My mom gave me an early birthday present - the Kindle! This has been so wonderful as I'm doing a lot of reading here - given that the TV is horrible and I'm often on my own - its nice to be able to just pull out this little machine.  I'm hooked!

Kindle reading outside Starbucks on a sunny afternoon!

I recently made the best purchase I've made in Shanghai yet.  From 90RMB I picked up this fan.  It has changed my life.  #SOHOTANDHUMIDINJULY!!!!! sorry.. trying to ease back into twitter speak!
Thank goodness for this little guy!

Finally, the other day at the office we ordered in lunch.  They finally included me in a dumpling run!  Below I have pork and corn wontons, red bean soup, and spicy bean curd! Love it! And all for about 10 RMB.
Wonton lunch

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