Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't mind if I do!

Well, I made it through the first 3 days of official work here in Shanghai. I felt that I needed to reward myself - plus my back has been a mess since I arrived.  It could be the hard as a rock bed, extremely anti-ergonomic work station (I won't have a desk until April 18), or just the shear stress and uneasiness of this place. I've been hearing a lot about the massages here, the low price, but varying quality, and I felt like I needed to start figuring out what will work for me.  I am spoiled when it comes to full body massage... I usually get one once a month at the Spa at the Villa in Indy (Jeff does wonders), so I am no stranger to the 60-min deep tissue massage and I hoped I could get something similar.  I had heard from a colleague that Green Massage, a place really close to the office was good and really professional, an important characteristic here in China, as many places are, well, rough around the edges.  So, I stopped in on the stroll home from work about 7 on Friday evening - and they said they could get me right in - great!  They had a host of different offerings, but the catch is you have to buy a "membership" - essentially pre-pay a bunch and then work down the credit.  I went with the lowest one - RMB3,000, which will get me about 10 60-min massages, at under half the price at home.  I was committed to going with the package and was working out the details with the girls at the desk - when a familiar face walks out refreshed and relaxed.  It was the General Manager of Lilly China (highest person at Lilly China), a French man, who tells me "oh so great, best place in town, you have found it!" This was very reassuring!

It turned out great, very clean, professional and he went to work on my back - just what I needed!

On Saturday, I didn't do much - went for a stroll around an area called the French Concession.  It was area different than any I have seen here, but yet, still bustling with many people on a Saturday afternoon.  All kinds of restaurants and shops line the streets, and many consumers lining the narrow sidewalks.  I enjoy the weekends in Shanghai because you get to see all the cute little Chinese children out with their families.  I get lots of stares all the time around here, but I don't mind when its from children - even when it feels like they are looking at me like I am from another planet!  The stroll finally led to lunch at Element Fresh - a staple for the ex-pat in Shanghai. It was my first experience at the place I had been hearing so much about, and boy were they right! Fresh yummy food with lots of variety - plus fresh juice and smoothies - gotta get my fruit! I finished up the walk with a stop at L&J Nails - I deserved a pedicure after all the walking.... Unfortunately the day took it out of me and I went to bed around 7pm - not so good for the jetlag adjustment, as I was up at about 4am Sunday.....

Sunday... after a morning workout and skype with Adam and the parents, I was off to brunch with Kathleen and Malorie.  Kathleen is the girlfriend of a friend of mine from IU who has worked in Shanghai on and off for over a year. She is local Shanghainese and amazing to have around.  Malorie is a friend of Michael and Kathleen - she is originally from Colorado but has been in China for about 18 months - currently she is working at a company like groupon that is getting into the major markets here in Asia - pretty interesting set up.  Anyway, we met for brunch at a small little Italian place, called Osteria, not too far from my apartment.  Kathleen had made reservations for us at a spa that happened to be just next door! Even though I had just has a massage, I couldn't say no! It was only like $25 for a 60min massage... this place was more localized but still the girl did a good job.  She kept telling me how beautiful I was... I could get used to the place... just wait til they see Hannah Stewart, talk about beautiful!
Kathleen and Malorie post massage

Next, we took a taxi down to the South Bund Fabric Market.  This place was unreal.  Stalls and stalls of tailors and clothes makers ready and willing to make you whatever your heart desires.  Dress suits, shirts, silk shirts and dresses, tweed coats, wool coats, formal dresses, linen any way you can imagine it, as well as local traditional Chinese attire.  It was bit overwhelming and I was only interested in getting the lay of the land during this trip and will not be scouring the web trying to find the perfect thing to have made.  More details to come on this in the future...

The final stop of the wonderful little Sunday afternoon was securing me a local Chinese phone.  It pretty easy here, and even easier when you have a friend that can speak in Chinese to the woman at China Mobile.  We managed to get me the cheapest phone in the case, but boy does it bring back memories...
It even has snake! T9 is hard to remember!

The afternoon ended with Kay and Mal sending me on my way for my first subway or "Metro" ride.    We boarded to Metro at People's Square the biggest station in the line with 20 exits to the was packed and wild busy even on a Sunday afternoon! I can't imagine rush hour times! Luckily, I made it home safe and will probably try it again...
Metro sign at Huangpi Lu - my home stop!

Well, after my first dinner ordered to the office (Element Fresh again!) and 8pm call with Indy, I'm ready to call it a night! Good news is, I think I'm finally adjusted to the jetlag... no more excuses! 

Peace and love!

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