Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What a small world it is!

What a small world.... a phrase we use often in our daily lives and sometimes in a context that's not all that hard to believe.  Today I truly learned how small the world is...

Of course my biggest concern before leaving for Shanghai last weekend was where to catch the NCAA national championship basketball game.  Watching it would have been a priority regardless, but seeing the local team play was essential.  So what did I do? Google: "NCAA basketball Shanghai" The closest and most suitable looking place was a Canadian owned bar called Big Bamboo... sounded safe enough and they would play the game live in the morning.  I got there around 8:40am to a nearly empty place... I asked if basketball would be on and she said of course! I took a table to myself, although I was tempted to ask a few nice looking people if they needed any company.  But - I told myself, play it cool, first day - plus they might be rooting for UConn.  I ordered a waffle - served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!  Shortly before the game two men walked in - very American looking, we said hello, I said I was cheering for Butler because I was from Indianapolis.  The younger guy said - no way I live in Broad Ripple... WHAT ARE THE ODDS? So we get to talking, I work at Lilly etc they are UPS pilots on layover just got in this morning.  We swap a couple of names and we have a common friend, a former co-worker of mine.  We had actually hung out before once at another friends house... small small world it is.  I guess not that surprising at a Western bar watching college basketball - but that we actually had a common friend really made it ironic.

So, we watch the unfortunate loss by the Bulldogs and Brock asks me if I'd like to tag along while he does some "shopping" at the 580.  So named for the address 580 Nanjing Rd. I have found the motherload... or at least a start.  You name it they have it there.... bags, glasses, jerseys, watches, scarfs - all knock offs of course but some good looking stuff.  He took me to all the people he uses every time he comes (UPS has a listing of the best booths!) and helped me haggle and talk them down.  I made a few purchases and I'm really happy with my first experience.  We spent 20, 30, even 40 minutes at some spots - talking with the people, looking at products, asking for more, telling them no no too much! You would be talking to them for 10-15 minutes then they actually bring out the goooooood stuff - more real, authentic and you start the price convo all over again. I was having sensory overload - so many options, so much to see... it helps to know what you want and how much you are actually willing to spend for it.  For any visitors I may have..... look at pictures, bring pictures, so we have some where to start.
My stash from Day 1 at the 580
Also, I picked up some DVDs for $2 each from Oscar across the street.  I have yet to check the quality of the 2 movies I picked up (both were up for Best Picture), however, I did snag the Adele CD which is fabulous.  I heard her on pandora recently and was excited to get the full CD.

After a full day of shopping at the 580, Brock invited me to dinner with him and the other 2 pilots in his crew. We headed to a favorite of theirs close to their hotel, Coconut Paradise Thai Cuisine.  It was great and apparently very popular.... we had to be out by 7pm because they have a reservation list that lasts all night after that time! Will be keeping the card for that place....

Brock and me at Coconut Paradise
On that note, business cards are serious here.  The minute I got home I stashed a bunch in my purse and will not leave home without them - everyone exchanges. Its a great way to exchange contact information quickly and other expats are generous to share.  At John's watch booth on the 4th floor of the 580 we met a couple originally from Vancouver that has lived in Shanghai for 3 years, they said they had bought 75-100 watches from John and validated that I got a decent deal on the watch I bought.  Graham offered his card and Indy, his wife, said to call anytime.  I'm feeling good about this place so far....

First day of work tomorrow, if only I could just play in Shanghai!

1 comment:

  1. holy cow! brock is my old landlord!! (with eleanor and anne!) what a crazy story!
