Monday, April 18, 2011

Not too shabby

Over the weekend, the Lilly workforce on  21F of 1 Corporate Avenue moved to the 16F.  Luckily, I didn't have many things to pack up and move, but some of the others had to spend several hours packing up.  The best news of all, on 16F I would have my own desk.  For the past 2 weeks, I have been sitting in Steffanie's cube in a horrible ergonomic situations - you don't realize how important those assessments are until you actually are forced to sit in an uncomfortable position.  Chances are, I won't get an ergo assessment anyway when I get to my new desk - but atleast I will have the control.

So, I arrived this morning and was so pleasantly surprised.  The smell of new paint, and carpet seemed to have subsided and new desk looks great!  Lots of space and and great view of the lake! There is even a window that I can open to get fresh air.  How could I be so lucky that they would move right when I arrive! I think others have had to wait months to get their own desk around here.  Ok, must get to work... oh, how my productivity is about to improve!

My new desk!

My view, how pleasant!

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