Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Adam's Arrival in China

I've decided the only appropriate way to do this is to go back in time and share all the fun things that have occurred over the last 3 weeks.  So bear with me while I bring you up to speed....

On May 6th, Adam arrived in Shanghai.  The game plan was that I would be waiting for him outside the international arrivals gate... we made back up plans, gave him my local number, decided for him to turn on his blackberry and incur astronomical charges to call me (although, I realized later that he would not have been able to figure out how to make a call... first dial 001 for US), and gave him my address so if he couldn't find me he would just show up at my apartment.  In order to avoid this confusion, I hoped to get there early to see him as soon as possible.  I had been following Adam's flight all day (he was flying longer than my entire work day - 13 hours) - so I knew that it had been delayed about an hour from leaving LA and wouldn't get in until like 9:45pm.  In an attempt to be "local," save a little cash and avoid crazy taxi drivers, I decided to take the Metro to the airport.  So, I jump on line 2 and head east toward PVG.  Everything is going fine, I even have a seat - listening to some tunes, until we get to Guanlan Rd. - about 8 stops from the airport.  The doors opened and I realized everyone was getting off the train... I looked around confused then some people started pointing and saying airport airport and referring to the train the other side of the tracks. So I rush off the train, only to find out (with many other people), that the last train to the airport from here has just left the station. Ummmmm, what do I do now? So I figure there must be some taxis up at street level to take me the rest of the way... it should only be about $50-60 RMB given that the ride from my place is about $150-180 total and I'm 3/4 of the way there.  As I headed up the escalator I was greeted (ok, ambushed) by dozens of sketchy looking people (men and women) offering me "taxi".  I've read and heard, and my mother taught me well, to not get into any unmarked cars or take rides from people that don't seem licensed.  So, I told them all no, no - and went straight for one of the familiar white licensed taxi cars.  I said airport and he was ready.  Next thing I know, this guys is flying down the highway, had to be 70-80 mph (speedometer was in km and I can't grasp it yet), weaving around other much slower moving cars and not even slowing down for the speed cameras like they usually do.  I was a little alarmed, but actually not that upset because with the train stopping I had gotten off schedule and was already running late to be sure I was there before Adam arrived.  Actually, on the train I checked online and it said his plane had landed an hour before (it actually hadn't) so I was so nervous that he was just sitting there - first time out of North America, lost and worrying about where his wife was.  So, I was actually grateful this guys was driving like a lunatic.  Oh yeah, but while this guy was driving so very fast - the meter happened to be ticking up just as fast.  Right before my eyes - I was getting screwed.  I had heard stories about "fast moving meters" and thought it was only in the dark red taxis - not the white.  I also should have known something was up because when we got to the airport, my taxi did not follow all the other taxis into the taxi drop off lane, he went into the parking garage and snuck in and dropped me off - then proceeded to charge me 190 RMB for the trip.  I didn't have time to argue and didn't care, just wanted to see my hubby! So, I raced inside and looked everywhere - just as I was thinking he probably somehow took a cab without me.... he comes around the corner smiling ear to ear (even after 24 hours of traveling).  It was perfect timing, and the beginning of our adventure together in China.
Adam's initial arrival into PVG
More to come... but for now bedtime for Bonzo!

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