Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 2 in Beijing

Today was our first day with our tour guide, Skye. She has been really
great so far and will be with today in the city and tomorrow for the great
wall too. I will write more about her and the tours later, but we
accidentally did one of the tour stops on our own on thursday! Oops through
a little wrench in todays plans, but we did a little rearrange and it was
ok. The first pic below is from the top of Coal Hill in Jingshan Park. It
had a great view of the Forbidden City. A little cold and windy when we
were up there but amazing views of the city! The next picture is a view of
the first gate of Forbidden City and you will see Chairman Mao prominently
displayed. They really love him!

After a long day of walking around, we just arrived at the Kung Fu show!
Hope we can stay awake!

Off to the Great Wall tomorrow!!

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