Sunday, May 1, 2011

I few things to share from the last week...

Recently, I got a "back stress relief" massage from my Green Massage place.  I thought, yeah, perfect just focus on the back.  Well, I certainly got more than I bargained for.  The massage was nice and I felt like he was really working out the kinks in my back - but then towards the end he started the back "scraping" part. They use this small little plastic tool to get deep and really get the blood flowing.  Although it did loosen things up for me nicely, I don't think I will choose this type of massage again.  Check out the aftermath:
haha the result of back "scraping" - I should have known!

Last Sunday, we sent off one of our own.  Nathan Hubbard, another Lilly 6-monther finished up his time in Shanghai last week.  He was working on an assignment here in Marketing for the Alimta brand and Oncology team.  It was nice to have someone with a good deal of experience to ask questions and I have already been able to learn from some of his experiences.  Nathan is off to the San Francisco area to do another short term assignment in sales!  To send him off we went to a new restaurant in an area called the Sinan Mansions - a Peruvian place called Chicha.  It was pretty small, and although they did not seem to have any of the reasonably priced bottles of wine from their menu in stock, the 7-course meal was only 200 RMB and quite yummy and filling.  Below are you few pictures from our night out:
Nathan and Darren - not sure what's going on

Kimberly and I, with our dessert to share

Steffanie and Darren - so grateful for them!!!!

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